Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Garden

After living in our apartment for almost eight months, we finally planted a little garden.  Not that it was barren before, we have some sizable trees and plants, including an enormous rosemary bush.  But we finally got around to planting a herb garden.

Unfortunately, we do not yet have all the herbs that I want (the savory ones) but we do have oregano, chilies, and another basil plant.  And celery (I think).  Most of the plants so far are only good for making tea - mint, herba luisa, toronjil, and something else that I don't know the name of in English or Spanish.

Anyway, this is our garden at one week old!

Not the best photo, I know.  But the garden is just settling in.  Hopefully it will look a bit better in a few weeks.

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