Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Incident

Still in India, now in Bangalore, but head back to Delft tomorrow night. Today is Bin's first day at work so I am sorting out all our photos and buying random things for his new apartment (just moved in on Monday). The holiday was great, except for an incident yesterday...A prime example of a tragedy that does not occur...

First of all, we are both alright, but yesterday we were attacked. We had left the city to do some hiking. There was a bit of confusion between us. I guess that I had neglected to tell Bin that there were stairs and our driver thought that we were crazy to climb the road that went to the top of this hill. So we figured out that we can hike up the road and take the stairs down on the other side. It was 8km of road to the top.

There were some vehicles on the road, a few buses and cars, some motorbikes with couples. Just after 3km a bike with two men on it stopped. Bin and I both thought it was odd that one guy looked like he was covering the license plate with a handkerchief, but we kept walking. Then he started to talk to us, ask where we were from, wanting to shake our hands... we kept walking. We walk a bit faster he walks faster (his friend is sitting on the bike with it in gear) we tell him to leave us alone that we just want to be by ourselves. Then he grabs Bin's hand to try to pull him away and then grabs me around the waist and picks me up like he's going to carry me off...

I scream.

I had no idea I could scream like that. Somehow Bin gets this guy off of me and pulls me away. We stare at the guy for a moment and walk the other way and this guy gets on the bike with his friend and they speed off.

We pondered what to do and then walked back down, never reaching the top. I was terrified. I was really bothered that the didn't even make an attempt for the camera or the watch or the backpack, which means that these guys just wanted me.

We made it back to Bangalore safely. I'm ready to return to Holland.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an adventure! I'm glad that you were able to escape. What were they gonna do? I'm trying to visualize three people on a motorbike, one of them struggling to get away...and going either uphill or downhill depending on their escape route. It doesn't seem like they had this thought out very well. Luckily for you they don't have kidnapper vans in India, or at least these guys don't.