I've been back in Delft for about an hour after a twelve hop across the pond via Zurich. I had an amazing weekend in Chicago. Last Thursday was graduation, so it was a long day of celebrating, but I woke up at 6:30AM the next morning to catch the 7:30AM train to the airport for my 11AM flight. There was no check in line, no security line, no immigration line, my flight arrived in Chicago an hour early, my luggage was waiting for me on the carousel after immigration, and my Dad was waiting for me at the gate. It was the easiest flight I had ever taken. Even as we drive home the process is streamlined. Dad has the menu for our favorite Japanese restaurant in his glove compartment. We call to order, pick it up, and before I know it we're in our kitchen having lunch, then a cup of tea, and of course, some chocolate chip chocolate cake that Mom made for me because she knows I like it for breakfast. It had been six months since I had been home and nothing had changed. Friday night was a nice dinner at home. My parents close friends, the Braun's, and their family trickled in, as did my sister Ruth, her husband Vince, and their dog Roxy (or is it Roxie? I should know, but I never thought about it until now).

Saturday started slow, but I wasn't jet lagged. I dusted off my bike and Mom and I went for a ride in the forest preserve. We only went about 10 miles, but it was perfect. It was a bit cool, but the sun was shining and riding my road bike was divine. I was gliding. I am not looking forward to riding my beast back here in Delft. After the bike ride I was seriously considering bringing the road bike back to Delft, but decided not too after I realized how much time, energy, and money that it would cost me. The bike itself weighs eight or nine kilos, maybe ten. I can easily lift it with one hand and throw it over my shoulder, but taking it apart and putting it in a case to carry back on the train would be miserable.

After the bike ride was a bit of shopping, a family lunch, followed my pedicures for Mom, Ruth, and myself, then back to the house for a doggy play date. Connie and Greg had come over with their pup, Izzy (I can't spell that one either) and Connie's brother Tony (who just started as a pilot, but was a bit unsure of where the The Netherlands was). So all the kids were home. For one brief hour the house was full, but then it was time to go to the city.

Dinner was at BBQ King in Chinatown. They make the best Peking Duck I have ever had (but I haven't been to China, yet). We ate until we could not move, as usual, then went to a bar to meet up with some other friends of mine. There were eight of us at dinner, three were in from out of town (Ruth, Vince, Becky), one had just moved into town but is a pilot so he doesn't hang out there much (Tony), and one was me. So I had dinner with three of my friends that live in Chicago (Connie, Greg, Drew (my ex)), and at the bar I met three of the other four (Vishal (Duke), Blanca (SOM), Aparna (SOM)). We didn't stay out too late, it was a laid back night, just as I had wanted.

Sunday was when I was put to work. I spent the morning at the Shedd Aquarium, testing water. Drew has volunteered there every other Sunday for the past two years in their water quality lab. I knew what he did but had never thought to tag along, until now. Behind the scenes at the aquarium is really cool. We took samples from the dolphin and whale pools and I helped in the lab with the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite tests for the sea water. I really like lab work. Then it was back to Connie's for some cleaning. We took apart her bed. We have a wonderful domestic relationship, she's a cleaner, I'm an organizer. Neither of us would have survived some previous moves without the other. From there I met Nicole, the final friend in Chicago I had wanted to see (she had another appointment the previous night). She had just moved so I helped hang. It was really nice to see my friends and actual do something useful with them.

That night was an engagement party for some family friends and by the time I got home I was exhausted. Monday was an easy day, up early to ride to the dentist, then I spent about an hour wandering through a book store. Back home to wake up the Kid and get him to take me to buy $12 worth of cheese (which made it through customs) before meeting Dad for lunch. Then a nap on the couch in the sunroom and it was time to say goodbye to Mom and go to the airport. I had such a wonderful time at home but three and a half days is just enough. The excitement wears off, people need to work, and by the end it was just me, the couch and the Financial Times. It was a nice trip, but I felt ready to return to Delft. And 12 hours I was back.
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