Dutch is sometimes a bit like German. To create a new word all you need to do is run two of them together. Last weekend there was a blues festival in Delft. Over the course of two nights about 50 different bands played at 20 different bars. As many of you know, I sometimes find concerts a bit tedious, they are too loud, there's no space, you have to stand for such a long time. Well, this time was no different but I loved every minute of it. Both Friday and Saturday night had similar itineraries. Meet in front of Mina, rendezvous with the "urban" residents, go to a pub and watch a set or two, then stumble upon more friends on the way to the next bar.

On the left we have the Friday night group on the way to De Engel, friend's of Maria from Spain (Mitchel and Katy, I know I spelled that wrong, sorry), Maria (Spain), Alejandro (Colombia), Bin (India), Vesna (Bosnia), and Guillermo (Colombia). On the night we have a picture from Saturday, Andrea (Colombia), Bin (India), me, Giorgia (Italy), and Guillermo (Colombia), at De Waag. And once I collect more pictures (I ran out of batteries on Friday night, put new ones in on Saturday, which were apparently not fully charged, so my camera died that night as well), I may even post some of the bands!
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