Last night was Lichtjesavond (I think it literally translates as "evening of lights"). As one of our social cultural officers wrote in an email, "Every year in December
Delft celebrates its 'Dark Days before Christmas'. It starts with lighting the Christmas tree on "Lichtjes-evening", Tuesday 12 December. This evening the City of
Delft will give out a very pleasant atmosphere and there will be lots of activities: Santa Claus will be there, music, choirs .... Charles Dickens will revive."

It was, as usual windy and rainy, but exactly what was promised, though we never found the free hot chocolate. We spent about two hours roaming around town, looking at shops at the Christmas market, watching children ice skate, and finally hanging out in the bar with some Gluhwine (the Dutch version was spiked a bit more than the German version we had over the weekend).
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