Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Great Tanzanian Palm Pilot Crash of September 2003, Revisited

My Palm Pilot crashed. Again. Arrrgh. I don't know if it actually crashed, it just won't turn on even though it's been charging for a full day (I know the outlet works). During the Great Tanzanian Palm Pilot Crash of September 2003 it reset itself to January 1st, 1900, so I knew I was screwed immediately. So I'm not freaking out just yet, but I can feel the panic rising. The worst case scenario is that I have lost everyone’s contact information, passwords, to do lists, etc. Not fatal, but frustrating. I think I may have a backup, but I'm not sure. I'll look into that right now. It will make for an interesting Saturday night. I was planning on staying in anyway, since I'm still recovering from the last night’s party (not really, but I think it is in my best interest to only go out one weekend night and study during the other). It was nice to be at a party where I knew more than just a few people. It was mostly Latin Americans, typical of the previous parties that I have attended here. I suppose the continent has less of a language barrier, plus they like to drink and dance. There was lots salsa and meringue (the dance, not to be confused with meringue the dessert, though pronounced differently their spelled the same, I blame the French) until 4AM, though I left around 2:30AM. I need to ask Maria (Spain) to send me the photos she took.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woman, I miss you! you look beautious in this picture! Hope your palm pilot gets fixed.