Friday, September 25, 2009

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times...

I have tons of stories from my travels, not my experiences while living in Holland or Ecuador, but mainly from a trip I took about six years ago. So, now that I have actually written out a few of them, I am going to (try to) start posting some of them here.

Just after graduating from Duke, McHale (yes, that is her first name) and I somehow got a brilliant idea that after a few years of working we should quit our jobs and travel the world. And we actually did it. Most of the adventures that I will be sharing are from that trip back in the fall of 2003 and winter of 2004 and will be tagged "Tales."

The reason that I hadn't shared these before is not only because I didn't have photos with me, but also because it was really difficult to remember everything. During my visit home in August I found a few CDs with the pictures and my journals from this time, so now you can read a bit about what happened during the trip.

Mc, feel free to correct me if my memories don't exactly correspond with reality.

1 comment:

McHale said...

I'm looking forward to the trip down memory lane! And I think reality is relative... :)