Monday, September 21, 2009

Burn Baby Burn

Yesterday, like most Sundays, Carlos and I went to Chaullabamba to spend the day with his family. We brought our bikes with, but somehow forgot the sunscreen. When we got there, no one else had sunscreen. We thought about going to one of the shops nearby to buy some, but neither of us had any money. So I figured, "just this once," "it's only a short time," "I don't burn that easily," I'll just go without.

Bad idea. Even though we rode for only about 45 minutes, I got burnt. Even though as soon as we were done riding I covered up with long pants and a jacket and sat in the shade, I got burnt. Even though we hadn't had strong sun in weeks and why should this day be any different, I got burnt.

Maybe, someday, I'll learn.

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