Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Understand That Something Is Wrong with My Blog
Hopefully the problem will take care of itself.
If not, I'll call the experts.
English Exam
1. Which of the following sentences is correct? And why?
a) We were going to paint the house, but Carlos was sick.
b) We would have painted the house, but Carlos was sick.
c) Both
d) Neither
2. Please explain why different tenses (present perfect versus present perfect continuous) are used in the bolded sections of the following sentences:
a) Since 2000, I have been traveling on my own.
b) Since they met, they have become better friends.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My iPod is Possessed
Thursday, October 22, 2009
In Arusha we found a reputable tour company and booked a 6 day/5 night trip up Kili. Our group consisted of the two of us and a Frenchman named Georges, who was traveling alone for a month, plus a guide, asst guide, cook, and six porters. The first few days were relaxing, about 6 hours of hiking per day, we made friends with other tour groups, including some German journalists and a boxer. One afternoon we walked through a hail storm. When hitting the rocks it made a sound like the clinking of glasses, quite eerily. And it hurt when it pelted against our skin. And it leaked into our tent.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Close Only Counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
Monday, October 19, 2009
Baking Soda Post Script
Any amateur cook and chemist (or professionals for that matter) knows that they are not interchangeable. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a base. Baking powder is sodium bicarbonate plus and acid. While you can use baking soda in conjunction with cream of tartar to replicate baking powder, there is nothing that you can take away from baking powder to replicate baking soda.
Maybe the stock boys weren't awake in their chemistry classes.
However, at a baking shop I did manage to find a 70g bag of baking soda. I bought it. But while ringing it up, the women told us that it had to be sold as baking soda, not sodium bicarbonate, or it would be illegal :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Answer: Drugs
I asked this to a stock boy at the supermarket yesterday and he replied it's because it is used to make drugs. You can only buy it at pharmacies. Seriously, this is Arm & Hammer we're talking about, not Sudafed. And here in Ecuador it's a controlled substance.
Actually, besides at the pharmacy, you can buy it at most the corner shops in dime bags. They look like this.
At it really does cost 10 cents.
I just want to bake some cookies and now I'm afraid of going on a wanted list. So all foreigners should note well - not a good wedding gift.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cute Enough to Eat
This was the prime suspect.
But not the culprit. The culprit is actually shown in the first photo.
The mess was a result of the immersion blender versus an ice cube, not the pan de guagua (pronounced wa-wa, which is Quechua and means child). Actually, I think it's a guagua de pan. That makes more sense since it means that it is a child made from bread, not bread made from children. I need to remember that - guagua de pan.
This type of bread is starting to show up in the bakeries. It is typical eaten here on and just before All Souls Day (aka, Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead) on November 2nd.
This specific specimen was consumed for its suspected involvement in the creation on the mess shown above, though it would not have survived much longer even if it was not suspected.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Are you a Jew?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Things I Learned Yesterday
- Don't put anything in the oven without turning the timer on
- Walking downhill in flip flops is difficult, especially in the cemetery
- No matter how cautious you are, you still ache after the first time back at the gym
- Everyone in Cuenca knows each other
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Feliz Aniversario
Also, it happens to be the 5th anniversary of the purchase of my condo. That means only 25 more years left on my mortgage!
Monday, October 05, 2009
Another Thing That You Don't Want Happening in the Middle of the Night
But we were so close to the border.
McHale and I had to cross the border, enter Bolivia, change money, cross back to Argentina, ransom Tom and his passport, then return to Bolivia. Not a problem, we had plenty of time, like an hour and a half. Or did we? Once in Bolivia we learned about the time change. The border didn't close at 6PM Argentine time, but at 6PM Bolivian time, which was 5PM in Argentina. In half an hour.
But we made it across the border and rushed to the bus station to find a bus to Potosi. No luck. We had missed the bus by minutes (stupid border troubles). So we spent the night in the border town. There was a morning bus to Potosi, but we decided just to take morning bus to Tupiza and spend the day there and take the night bus to Potosi from there.
Tupiza was lovely. We spent a full day hiking. We saw goats.
Night bus to Potosi. It was supposed to leave at 9PM. It left at 10PM. The seats were full, as was the aisle (the luxury of Argentinian buses was a thing of the past). At the first police stop, some more women wanted to get on, but when they tried to squeeze their way on, there was an uproar from the other passengers. Apparently the driver makes extra money for himself by selling extra “tickets.” The women somehow made room for themselves.
All was well until about 2AM when I was woken up with a thud. Then the bus started to tip over. Shit, I thought, we're going to fall off a cliff. It managed to stop at a 45 degree angle. Everyone was yelling to go slowly, as not to upset the balance. We slowly exited the bus. Half of it was in a ditch, partially submerged.
It was the middle of the night, we were in the middle of nowhere, no food, freezing cold, and the bus driver left. He just left (which I have since learned is standard in Ecuador as well - if you are a professional driver who gets in an accident you run away). We were hours from any major town. Rumor was that they didn't have a spare bus to send, so we tried to fix it ourselves. Of course, since I was a gringa who didn't speak Spanish, I had no say in the matter, though I believe I was the only engineer there. We deforested a small area (not that there was much there to begin with) to make a fire to try stay warm.
Once the sun rose, my suggestion to drain the ditch finally worked its way up the ranks and we basically destroyed the road to drain the water. Imagine one pickaxe slowly creating a canal through the compacted dirt road. We tried the push the bus upright (we meaning me and all the able bodied men), but no luck. Around 8AM we got a ride in the back of a truck full of ore going to Potosi with about 10 Argentinian backpackers and a couple old women. It was less than 300km away, but it took over 9 hours. There was as rise of 1km, thus the truck had to go very slow. And we were stopped by mining protesters that had closed the road (which I wasn't used to at the time, but now it just seems like another day Latin America).
There were about a dozen of us in the truck, sitting on our luggage, which was much softer than truck full of rocks. Once in Potosi we went to the bus company to complain. Unfortunately the bus company only refunded 1/3 of the ticket price, despite the fact that we had essentially been left to fend for ourselves. Typical.
But we had made it to Potosi.