I had a wonderful time by myself in London. I spent two full days just riding the tube and wandering around town. I saw the Royal Ballet, visited the Royal Academy, National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery (amazing museum, Mom has always told me that she thinks I would like it though I assumed it would be just a bunch of stuffy paintings of earls, but I was wrong, mixed media and brilliantly concise biographies made it absolutely fascinating), found my favorite bookshop in the world (three floors of travel books), walked Hyde Park, bought tea at Fortnum & Mason and biscuits at Harrods, and ate lots of sushi at shops where they sell it by the piece.
Woke up early on Monday morning to take the tube to the train to Gatwick. I wanted to be there as soon as check in opened so I can stalk Carlitos. His previous flight had arrived about an hour earlier so I figured he would be waiting for the check in to open. But he was not there. I waited for about 20 minutes, then went through security, assuming that he had done the same already. I kept scanning the crowd and looking over my shoulder to make sure he did not see me before I saw him. But I did not see him.
I had never been to Gatwick before and hope not to return again. After security there is an enormous two story holding pen. The shops and seats are below and food above. The gates are only posted about an hour before the flights. So I had to navigate this sea of thousands to try to find Carlitos (without him seeing me first). I circled once, twice, back in the opposite direction, up, around, down, back, near security, near the departures screen, more circles. I was about to give up until the gate, when, after an hour, I spotted him at the end of a row of seats. Perfect, I thought. I will just approach him and say something cheesy like, "Is this seat taken."
Mission accomplished.